Saturday, November 04, 2006

Photos as requested

Keeping in mind that I have not rubbed back and polished the neck at all, and the body needs a little more attention. This is the way she is looking at this time.

I am itching to keep going but I NOW think there is merit in letting KTM-9 harden over the following weeks... just like it explains in the instructions.

Time taken :
Tools used :
AU$'s spent


Greg said...


That looks great.You are obviously happy with the KTM-9.

I was thinking about French Polish on mine,but seeing how yours has come out, I am giving it a second thought.

Blog said...


I honestly don't think you can go wrong with this KTM-9 stuff. Remember I know nothing about finishing wood products and I am over the moon with the finish... My only complaint to date is that it is soft but that most likely has more to do with me rushing rather than the product.