I've added the frets to the fret board, I've glued said fret board to the neck and then filed/blended the fret board and neck together. In all steps I used same methods as I did with the the Stew mac kit.
Starting to look like a guitar, isn't it?

There is some drop damage to the soundboard, right between the rosette and the sound hole. To cover it I am going to run the finger board right up to the sound hole - The plan being that the end of the fret board with have the curve in it - we'll see.
I'll post a picture later but I am on the hunt for a pau ferro bridge - the Rosewood is just too dark. Or perhaps it will blend more with the finish on. I don't intend to stain this one at all.
Not having a band saw, I have been too scared to cut the template for my head just yet. I can feel the credit card warming up...
I really like the look of the fingerboard wood. Is it the same Pau Ferro that you used for the back and sides? It really is attractive looking. How hard is it and how do you think it will hold up to use?
Have fun shopping for the band saw. I love tool shopping! One piece of advice, if you are going to be using it a lot in the future, I would pony up now and get a 14" or larger saw. I have a 10" and it is a toy. If I had it to do over again I would never buy one this small. A new band saw is close to the top of my list of major tools to buy, right under a thickness sander and jointer.
David - when I put this kit together, I was thinking colours.. or as you may say colors.
I love contrasting grains.
I am really impressed with pau ferro. I ordered the kit and then discovered that 15% of the population is allergiv to it - thankfully not me.
If you get a chance, smell freshly machined pau ferro one day - a whole new smell.... if it doesn't make you weeezzz.
The fretboard is wonderful. I think it is hard enough to stand up to its purpose, I guess time will tell.
When/if I get to scratch build stage, I'd love to make the head plate out of the same piece, so the grain continues.
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