Sunday, January 14, 2007

Attaching the back

I've been away for the last few days and I've been thinking a lot about the building process. Then when I returned home and read David's progress, I am thinking that I should have built a mold and dishes as well. I am limited to the tools that I have access to and really wanted to keep the cost of this guitar down (a little). Next time I will borrow gear or have someone construct these steps for me. Hindsight is 20/20.

Anyway, I moved forward today and the back went on this evening, the glue is setting as we speak. Fingers crossed.

I've been thinking a lot about getting making some step to ensure that the blocks were square to each other. I don't think that the internal mold is making sure the this is achieved. In making the centre back brace I measured it out so that the overall length would be exactly 508mm as the plan states. In doing so I simply subtracted the width of the blocks and edges and removed that amount. Therefore when I push the blocks up against the back strip, I will have the exact length.

In an effort to keep the blocks square, I ran some 1/4 inch steel rods through the neck block and into a piece of scrap wood which I pressed up against the end block. b adjusting nuts on either side of the neck block, I could the guarantee that when I clamped the guitar length ways, the over all length could not be pressed in further than 508mm and the blocks should be somewhat square to each other...

It did not work...

I made three dry runs at getting all the clamps on. I propped the structure up onto an empty pot plant container, giving me room to work underneath as well. Here is a picture moments before the glue went on. The clamps are all numbered and the distances all set. In total there are 30 wooden (spool type) clamps and 9 standard clamps ready for action...

And here is the final result. I hope it all works out

Time taken :
Tools used :
AU$'s spent :

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